Gutter Guard

Gutter Guard – High Quality, Australian-Made Gutter Solutions

A gutter guard is an essential addition to the Australian home. Whether you’re in the bush or Aussie suburbia, you will have to contend with leaf debris, bird life and in some areas, the threat of bushfire. Gutter guard, also known as gutter mesh, is the perfect solution to these problems.

How Can Gutter Guard Protect Your Home?

  • Prevents Leaves and Debris

If you battle with gutters blocked by leaves and other tree debris, gutter leaf guard is the perfect solution. When autumn comes, many homeowners in Australia have an ongoing battle with the humble leaf. Gutter guard provides the answer. Your beautiful old deciduous trees provide you with shade in the summer. You don’t need to lop them just because their leaves fall into your gutters in the autumn. Simply install gutter leaf guard and watch the leaves slide off, leaving your gutters free of clogging debris.

  • Fire and Ember Protection

Bushfire and ember protection is one of the most crucial benefits of gutter guard. Australia is famous for its bushfire-prone conditions. When summer comes, many Australians living near the bush are on the alert for those dry, windy days when fire can spread. Without gutter guard installed, flying embers can land in your gutters. This can spark fire fuelled by dry leaf litter built up in your gutters over weeks or months. In fact 80 percent of house fires start this way. The good news is that The Leaf Man Gutter Guard has a zero flammability certificate from the CSIRO. This means our materials have zero chance of catching alight in a fire.

  • Keep Birds and Vermin at Bay

Did you know that birds and other pests can nest in your gutters? They can then invade your ceiling space and cause lice infestations, ruin electrical cables and destroy ceilings. Gutter Guard from The Leaf Man will completely seal off your gutters. Our Colorbond® Steel is completely vermin proof.

  • Gutter Guard and Roof Protection

In a heavy storm, the deluge of water can spill over the edges of your gutters, especially if the gutters contain mud and leaf litter. The water can flow over into windows, onto verandahs, and into the roof cavity, damaging walls and ceilings. This can result in mould, which in turn can cause serious allergies and health issues. Gutter guard installation protects your home by keeping excess debris out of the gutters.

  • Improves Water Quality

If you’re on tank water and want to improve your tank water quality, then gutter guard installation is an absolute necessity. Our gutter leaf guard will prevent leaves, mud, dirt, and even bird and vermin droppings, from entering into your drinking water. When your health is at stake, why think twice? Choose The Leaf Man gutter guard to help keep your water supply clear of pollutants.

Leaf Man Gutter Guard – The Choice of Tradesmen

If you’re a tradesperson looking for a quality product to install for your clients and customers, whether residential or commercial, The Leaf Man is an excellent and reliable choice. We use BlueScope Powder Coated Zinculume® Steel.  Our gutter mesh is not pre-sprayed and then perforated, but instead powder coated after perforation. This gives 360°coverage of the product,prevents metal to metal reactions, and protects from corrosion. We offer all Colourbond colours and can also spray our product to any colour specification. Our gutter guard is available in the standard width of 195mm, as well as made-to-order widths of up to 800mm and more. The apertures are expanded and raised eyelets in compliance with the BCA, and the positioning of the apertures is determined by the pitch of the roof and gutter. Our product is compliant in every area including the following:

  • Compliant with the Building Code of Australia (BCA)
  • Carries a zero-flammability rating granted by the CSIRO
  • AS1530Pt3 compliant
  • Complies to the requirements of the BAL (Bushfire Attack Levels) rating in accordance withAustralian Standard AS 3959-2009.
  • Complies to the guidelines of the NSW Rural Fire Service.

Attractive Gutter Guards for All Roof Types

Gutter guards are available for every gutter and roofing type.  Whether you need gutter guard for box gutters, regular gutters or valleys, at The Leaf Man we can provide the solution. Whether you have a tiled roof, a corrugated iron roof or a flat roof, we have the gutter guard supplies available for your needs. We offer not only the Colourbond colours, but can also spray our gutter guard to any colour specification you desire.

What’s Wrong with Cheaper Gutter Mesh Alternatives?

When it comes to gutter guard, cost is a major factor influencing buyers’ choice. At The Leaf Man we offer one of the best gutter guard solutions on the market. If you’re comparing gutter guard prices, you’re probably considering some of the DIY products available today. Beware, though. Once you look at some gutter guard reviews, you will find that cheaper DIY solutions don’t always offer the same quality as a professionally installed, tailored product. They are not as long lasting, and not as effective. Not all gutter guard suppliers are the same. If you’re on the search for a caring, conscientious company that offers top quality gutter guard, Sydney residents need look no further than the Leaf Man. Why waste time, money and the quality of your home, with a sub-standard system? When it comes time to install your to gutter guard, buy our product and you will not be disappointed. Contact The Leaf Man for a gutter guard quote today on 1300 300 353 or click here to contact us online.



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Flat Roof

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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.